
The METACity Virtual Citizen Portal

    The METACity Program will be able to offer a program for Consumers based on the GMTS called the Virtual Citizen Portal (VCP). While the METACity Program serves business, the VCP connect the consumer to the system. Any consumer that desires to participate in the METACity System will register for this service through a web site.

    This is a form of electronic citizenship for everyone. Three complementary functions will be provided through the Portal.

    Electronic Legal Address

      One key to capturing the efficiency of electronic transactions is the ability to use electronic communications as legal notice communications.

    Electronic Transaction Account Incentive and Consolidation Service

      The TCA allows the consumer to direct monies from a variety of sources to pay transaction charges.  When a merchant agrees to accept payment through this service they agree to be bound by the terms and provisions of the META Assurance Agreement, which is similar to a credit card merchant agreement.          

      An incentive program is available to the merchants that uses a special unit called a "tan" (transaction account numerator), nominally equivalent to one US penny. The tan is used to drive commerce into the most efficient methods by adding value that can be tracked within the META system. There is no value difference between tan and other monies except that the tan is usable only in electronic transactions with participating merchants.

      The tan is expressed as a superscript small "t" and can be combined with metric units to express larger values such as gigatan gt,  ($10,000,000),  megatan mgt ( $10,000), or kilotan kt ($10)

    Virtual Citizen Anonymous Profile

      The Anonymous Profile is designed to enable the user to create an elaborate profile of his or her likes and dislikes regarding a wide variety of topics, from shopping preferences to political choices. Changing the preferences will be as simple as as updating any electronic record.  The profile is entered into a database as an anonymous, but real persons preferences. Since it is part of the METACity system, there is assurance that the person has only one VCP. The Profile becomes part of a planning resource available to all participants in the METACity Program


[MetaCity] [From 1980] [MetaCity Concept] [META¥City Program]